“Here’s the thing:” my boss said during my interview in February, “Jackson has one of almost everything.” He was absolutely right. Jackson has one Thai restaurant (although it doesn’t compare to Thai Cuisine in Ithaca), one Chinese restaurant (I won’t go anywhere near it for fear of getting a tapeworm), one idiot driving around in token Jersey plates (um…), one sports team (the Mississippi Braves), and only one mall—a real shock to those people who hail from the Garden State. There are some exceptions. Jackson has two or three sushi places, depending on which one is being renovated on any given week. And Barbeque. Oh Barbeque! At every turn there are little shacks claiming to have the best ribs in town, but I’m convinced that the best barbeque joints must have great proximity to the medical centers in order to give emergency angioplasties. Anyway, I’m really appreciating the one-of-everything situation. If I need something, I know exactly where to go and get it. I love it.